How To Be A Good Homemaker [Your Ultimate Guide]

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How to be a good homemaker without sacrificing yourself? Is it even possible?

The answer is a BIG Yes!

Let’s find out how.

A homemaker usually doesn’t prefer to work outside. She chooses to stay home to care for the family.

A person (mostly women) who is in charge of all regards or details of the household.

What makes a woman a homemaker?

Many women believe in managing their homes instead of pursuing a career or working outside.

The main reason that we come across is raising kids.

Some moms don’t find it safe to send their babies to daycare and prefer to stay home to care for them.

A homemaker is a woman who manages her home; carries out household chores; nurtures her family, and makes her home a warm, welcoming place.

What makes a good homemaker?

A good homemaker is a hard worker. Someone who treats homemaking as a full-time job.

A good homemaker is productive, attentive, sincere, and enthusiastic.

She ensures her house runs smoothly. She sees that her family eats healthy, timely meals and that her pantry is well-stocked. Besides this, she rechecks that her family doesn’t run out of clean clothes and that her house is picked up regularly.

She is well-organized and can manage finances really well.

How to be an efficient homemaker?

To be an efficient homemaker, you need some sort of training or you at least need to figure out what to do (around the house). You should learn to get things done, and some basic homemaking skills that would make your job easier.

You don’t want your husband and kids to live in a house that is a total mess. Your husband to cook meals for you and your kids or wash dishes after a long work day only because you don’t know how to cook and clean.

To be an efficient homemaker, you must be disciplined and know how to use your time sensibly.

Create a schedule or routine (if you prefer flexibility) for your daily household chores.

Because having a good schedule or routine can help you get things done on autopilot.

What to do as a homemaker?

Being the keeper of our home, your average time may look like cooking meals, washing dishes, doing laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the house in general, changing bed linens, removing the trash, and paying bills.

How much does a homemaker get paid or can you get paid to be a homemaker?

A homemaker usually does not get paid for her work.

That said, there are a lot of costs in running a household including the cost of food (eating out), cleaning service (daily as well as deep cleaning), daycare/childcare, and work-commute expenses that can be around or bigger than a person’s salary.

The sum of all these costs is the money a homemaker saves/earns through her hard work.

Also, a homemaker works full-time without a day of rest.

Is it okay to be a homemaker?

This is a challenging question and individual call.

Whether it’s okay for you to be a homemaker is not a common approach as it entirely depends on how things stand. It relies on your financial conditions, priorities, and necessities.

Being a homemaker is also a case of individual interest or purpose.

Some people appreciate staying home caring for their family and performing household duties. Others have to stay home for a certain period. Maybe a few years until their kids grow up before they go back to work. Also, others lack interest in homemaking and go back to work more willingly.

And out of most, finance is the only reason to work outside no matter how much a woman wants to stay home for her family.

What does it mean to be a good homemaker?

So before we jump into the steps, let me tell you I’m NOT an expert/perfectionist. I don’t have it all together. I have learned this through trial and error, and I’m still learning every day. Yes, homemaking may seem plain and simple but you learn so much every day.

Many times things don’t go as planned even after a lot of effort. You need smart homemaking skills and techniques to make the most of your time.


1| Wake up Early:

I know that sounds terrible but this one step will make your life so much better.

If you manage your time well, you’ll hardly run short of it. What another good way to add extra hours to your day than waking up early.

How early is again something that may vary based on where you are in life? If you have little ones for whom you were up all night, waking up early would be really difficult.

But if you have grown-ups or don’t have kids, then waking up before them or your husband is really going to help.

You can utilize the early hours of your day in quite a few ways.

  • You can exercise, meditate, write a journal, practice gratitude, simply slow down to have your cup of coffee or practice some mindfulness before you begin your day.
  • You can freshen up and get started with prepping up your meals, planning your day, and prepping up other necessary things.
  • Thirdly, you can utilize your morning hours to do your power-hour home cleaning routine so that you get housework out of your way first thing in the morning even before family members wake up.

Anyways is a win-win. And I can assure you, you’ll have a more productive day with this simple step of waking up a little early.

2| Simplify your life:

Not talking about minimalism or simple living here. Although that would do wonders for your homemaker life.

We are talking about choosing what’s important in life and getting rid of anything that no longer adds value to your life. Like things that demand your attention and care but don’t positively serve you. Things that simply clutter your home and life.

This ranges a lot of things —  from physical objects to cleaning tasks to complex recipes to bad habits to spending time with toxic people.

How To Be A Good Homemaker [Your Ultimate Guide]
Here’s an article on how to simplify homemaking that would help you streamline housework.

3| Prioritize:

If you ever feel you had a busy day but didn’t accomplish much as you hit the sack, prioritizing the tasks would really, really help.

From now on, every day, write out 5 tasks that are constantly on your mind. 3 out of 5 are crucial/urgent/must-do tasks and another 2 are urgent but helpful if they get done.

This will narrow down and allow you to focus on what actually needs to get done.

4| Cook and serve tasty meals:

Capsule menu plan: I will highly recommend homemakers create a capsule menu plan of the only recipes your family truly enjoys. Discard everything else. You can keep on updating the list as you find better recipes. This step will simplify your meal planning job.

Meal plan: Planning ahead is always a great way to ensure you eat healthy and yummy meals at home.

Grocery shop: It is important to see what you have on hand and what needs to be stocked up. Meal planning and grocery shopping are two major things that would simplify your homemaker’s life like never before.

Prep up: Cuts cooking time in half and you help avoid last-minute orders from the restaurant especially when life happens. You’re more likely to cook at home because you know half of your job is already done.

Go for easy-peasy recipes. Keep the meals simple. One side dish with the main dish. Try new recipes for a relaxing day.

Related: How To Meal-Plan — in 3 Easy Steps

74 Frugal Foods To Build Your Pantry On A Budget

5| Have a cleaning routine:

Having a routine is key to being organized and productive. Following a routine is a great time management technique.

Everyone’s routine may look different so it’s always better that you create your own.

Routines/rhythms are better than schedules because they are flexible.

There are certain must-dos for a smooth-running home. Those are keeping on top of dishes, and laundry, and having a tidy living room/bedroom.

Related: How to Clean Your Kitchen In 10 Minutes or Less!

Quick Morning Cleaning Routine For Busy Moms

Quick & Easy Night-Time Cleaning Routine — For Relaxing Mornings

6| Have fixed/determined working hours:

Utilize either the morning hours or late evenings. Morning hours before other people in your family wake up or at night, when everyone is in bed — the best time to quickly get the house in order.

Things like getting breakfast ready, prepping dinner, putting things straight, sweeping/vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen, or tidying the bathroom.

Having determined working hours (just like a 9-5 job) would allow easy hours in case of emergencies.

Just like 9-5 career women, who work for 8 hours and have a life outside of work. Their specific time frame allows them to focus on themselves, their families, their friends, and the things they love.

Homemakers should determine their working hours too.

Knowing that you’re going to work for a fixed period only — will help you stay focused and motivated toward your household duties. And homemaking will never seem like an endless job.

I love it when things are easy and consume little time. Ever since I have set limited working hours, I appreciate housework and happily look forward to it every single day.

7| Create a joyful sense:

Home is where love resides, memories are made, and laughter is shared.

Being the keeper of our home, it’s our responsibility to try to create a place our family enjoys and appreciates being in.

Even though it isn’t possible to have the best life all the time, aiming to create at least 3 best memories each day can help you create a loving home for your family.

8| Dress up:

When a woman works outside, she pays attention to her looks but when we stay home her appearance gets overlooked.

Believe it or not, doing yourself up makes you feel confident and makes a better impression on others.

Never forget how important your job (as a homemaker) is. Never downgrade or undervalue your role as a homemaker.

You have courage.

Every night, set something nice aside to wear the next day. Wear a good pair of earrings. Find a cute hairstyle that suits you. Be sure to put on your favorite lipstick and some nice fragrance before you start your day.

9| Decorate your home:

Most of the time, a good homemaker is well-organized and puts effort into making her home look decent if not stylish and trendy.

10 Responsibilities of a Homemaker: ROLE OF HOMEMAKER

Some statement decor pieces here and there. Some fresh curtains, sofa/bed/pillow covers, runners/table mats, floor mats, plants, and good fragrances. A little thoughtfulness in the products you use for organizing household stuff really goes a long way in creating a cozy space.

You’ll definitely receive compliments on your efforts to make your place pleasant and hospitable for those who walk in through the door.

Read 11 Inexpensive Ways To Beautify Your Home

10| Be skillful:

Utilize the internet to the fullest. Learn clever cleaning techniques; better ways to teach new things to your kids; time-saving kitchen tips; decor stuff; home improvement hacks, find helpful apps; stay up to date; and find easy-to-incorporate exercise techniques.

Remember, you HAVE TO change people’s outlook on homemakers. You should at least work as much on yourself as anyone who meets you is amazed by your looks, confidence, and attitude.

Bonus tip:

Have some time out of your home and family life.

It can be 30 minutes of exercise. Learning a new skill. Learning a new language. Continuing your academic studies. Swimming. Singing. Painting. photography. Gardening. Learning a new dance form. Anything you love. Just be sure to make time for yourself.

Maybe baking and selling goodies. A cooking blog/YouTube channel. Selling garments. Sewing clothes. The kind of hobby that earns you some money. Even a little financial independence would do wonders (for your own gratification).

Have food on time. Drink water when thirsty. Get enough sleep. Never neglect your health. Your next chore can wait for some time. Your health should always be your priority.

Final words:

No matter what people think, being a homemaker is a challenging job. You can try to be your best but also accept that you may not always get it right. Sometimes, you make errors or fall short. And sometimes you may have little ones to care for or a work-from-home job that demands attention.

All you can do is focus on action and not results.

Aim for progress, not perfection.

Always remember — one step at a time.

Every baby step counts.

Gradually, with time you’ll get asked for your tips and tricks to be a better homemaker.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Homemaking!

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