Lifestyle Self-Care Well-Being


This simple guide on ‘how to get better sleep’ will give you practical advice on to create a perfect bedtime routine, get a good night’s sleep, and enjoy a productive morning the next day.   Deep slumber is all you need to beat a lack of energy and low productivit, irritation, anxiety, and depression.   […]

Lifestyle Well-Being

No Diet No Exercise – Weight Loss Tips To Steal From Grandma

“Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle. – Dr. Joel Fuhrman” Not everyone is a diet and exercise person. Never mind, there are some effective — no diet no exercise – weight loss tips to steal from grandma. Have you ever seen your grandma going on a low-carb/low-fat diet, counting calories, […]

Self-Care Well-Being

10 Superfoods Every Woman Should Eat

We hear about superfoods since childhood. Our parents or grandparents always tell us “we should eat carrots because they’re are good for our eyes” “radishes purify our blood” “milk gives us stronger bones” and like that. But ever thought what superfoods woman should eat as an adult? Healthy superfoods can boost our immune system and […]

Lifestyle Self-Care Well-Being

100 Great Ways To Enjoy Your Time At Home

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease outbreak has taken over a major part of the world. The safest and most responsible thing to do right now is — stay home, keep clean, maintain distance, and take care of your and your family’s health. And, have a good time at home as I’ve got you 100 Great Ways […]

Well-Being Yoga

3 Best At-Home Exercises For Women Who Hate The Gym

Exercise is an indispensable part of life yet the most neglected one. It bothers me when I see people let their health slip through their fingers at first. And then, undergo painful treatments and medications. Which hardly brings their health back to its normal state as it was in the first place. We see people […]

Self-Care Well-Being

8 Ways To Enjoy Being A Stay At Home Mom/Wife

An ideal homemaker is lovely to look at and lovely to be around–she has a wholesome attitude and pleasing appearance – Daryl Hoole Are you a stay-at-home mom overwhelmed by your daily homemaking routines?  Does life feel boring and frustrating – cleaning, cooking, picking up every day? I completely understand. I have been there. It’s […]

Self-Care Well-Being

How To Be More Comfortable On Your Period: 8 PERIOD HACKS

I understood that menstruation – the indication that you’re a real woman – stopped if you grew weak from illness – Aya Kito Periods can be annoying, mainly if you experience cramps, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, heavy flow, irregular menstrual cycles, etc., The degree of symptoms may vary from woman to woman. The major reason for […]

Self-Care Well-Being

11 Secrets To Creating Blissful 30s Every Woman Should Know

Want to know the secrets to creating blissful 30s? Today let’s have a look at some of the ways we can truly embrace our 30s as a woman. Entering your 30s means enjoying the feeling of becoming a Complete Woman. At the age when most of us are – at the peak of our careers, […]

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