10-Minute Daily Tidy Up Routine

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The struggle to keep the house clean and tidy is real. Some days you comfortably get everything done and keep on top of things. Other times you may be occupied with other important work. And a few occasions, you may feel low or simply don’t want to do anything. Today I have a quick 10-minute tidy-up routine that’ll help you keep your home neat and clean all the time.

Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure keeping the house clean and tidy isn’t hard as we think. With this daily 10-minute tidy-up routine you’re never going to look back. No more cluttered and messy space; no more embarrassing unexpected visits; no more beating yourself up for leaving the house in a mess.

You can follow this 10-minute tidy-up routine to utilize your day effectively. And never feel unaccomplished even a single day with this daily 10-minute routine.

You can get this routine done at any time of the day. I prefer to finish it in the morning so my house stays clean and tidy all day. Also, we have friends coming in at any time of the day (yes without prior notice) so this teeny-tiny routine helps me be carefree in such situations.

Grab your all-purpose cleaner, microfibre cloth/cleaning rag, and a basket, and let’s get started.


1| 3-minute Living room tidy-up:

So I begin with my living room for the obvious reason of getting it in order first.

I set the timer for 3 minutes and start with the coffee table, moving around and putting things back where they belong. To collect all the items from other rooms, I carry a basket/bag.

Next, I gather dirty clothes in one corner of my room.

Straighten up the cushions, throws, and things out of place.

This will make the next step easier — which is dusting.

I quickly dust the knick-knacks and wipe down the surfaces. No thorough cleaning here. Just quickly go through everything wiping it down with a cloth.

Quickly vacuum the rug and floor.

And head to the bedroom.

2| 2-minute bedroom tidy up:

I make my bed first thing in the morning so that’s one less thing to do.

In the same way as the living room, I set the timer for 2 minutes, and start clockwise restoring things in their designated place.

Other stuff goes into the basket and laundry gets collected at one end of the room.

Quickly wipe down the surfaces, bedsides, and dresser.

Vacuum the floor, grab the dirty laundry, and head to the laundry area.

3| 5-minute kitchen tidy up:

Lastly, I again set the timer for 5 minutes. If there’s any clutter on the countertop I clear it. I quickly wash the dishes (if any). If you have a dishwasher you can load/unload it.

Then I quickly wipe down the stove, countertop, dining room table, and chairs.

Sweep/mop the floor and that’s it.

Related: How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean In 10 Minutes or Less!

Final words:

One thing I would like to suggest is to move faster. You can consider this as your 10-minute exercise routine. And you’ll be amazed at how much you get done in this short time.

Also if you have a few more minutes, tidy up the entryway. That way at least your main areas look neat and clean.

If you religiously follow this 10-minute tidy-up routine, your house will be clean and tidy for the most part. Following this routine daily cleaning is going to be a breeze. Later it’ll hardly take you 10 minutes to complete the routine.

Follow this quick routine for 1 week and let me know how it goes.

Also, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Homemaking!

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