How to WAKE UP EARLY (3 Powerful Tips for Homemakers)

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Homemakers must wake up early. That’s what I highly recommend after enjoying the fruits of starting my day early.

I know the more enriching it sounds, the harder it is to implement.

Yet I want to assure you it is not as difficult as we think.

Today I’m going to be sharing three powerful tips that helped me kickstart my day effortlessly (without having to forcefully drag myself out of bed). In fact, it made me eagerly await each morning.

Wake-up early benefits:

The first and foremost benefit is you add extra hours to your day which means more time for yourself.

You can use this (uninterrupted) time to plan/organize your day peacefully, exercise, meditate, or pray.

Rising early improves sleep quality which perfects bodily functions and keeps you feeling reenergized throughout the day.

Better sleep also means

  • improved concentration
  • enhanced speed
  • reduced stress level
  • better mood
  • better decision-making
  • stronger immune system
  • Zero to low chance of obesity and lifestyle-related health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.,

Also, most of us are said to be more productive during the early hours.

How to wake up early without feeling tired?

Go to bed early:

I know that sounds boring. But getting plenty of sleep is essential to help you prevent getting back to sleep again.

A consistent bedtime routine allows your body and mind to maintain a natural sleep-wake cycle.

Check out these 8 Tips To Get Better Sleep (for busy moms)

Avoid daytime naps:

With inadequate sleep at night, yearning for a couple of daytime naps is unsurprising.

It can make some people feel awakened and charged. Yet different studies have varied impressions.

The time and duration of your naps should be moderate.

It’s good to avoid daytime naps if you regularly encounter difficulty falling asleep at night.

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Prepare ahead:

Following a good morning and evening routine can help you prepare carefully.

A little preparation ahead of time keeps you inspired to wake up early.

Tasks like putting out clothes and belongings for the next day, getting the kitchen ready for breakfast, and maintaining an organized space make all the difference.

How to WAKE UP EARLY: 3 Powerful Tips for Homemakers

So here are the 3 Ms of waking up early:

1| Know your motive:

Have a reason to rise early in the morning.

Create an inspiring morning routine that motivates you to wake up early.

A holistic morning routine always proves to be the best.

Early morning is when your mental focus/presence of mind is in full swing.

If you want to acquire knowledge, learn new skills, or do your sacred practice — early morning hours are the best.

What is that one thing that can draw you out of bed persistently each morning, even on days it seems challenging?

Maybe some ‘me time or a favorite project. It can be time for

  • reading a book
  • reading articles online
  • watching youtube videos
  • do painting
  • do gardening
  • doing prayer
  • practice singing
  • practice dancing
  • do self-care
  • complete a home organization projects
  • get the cleaning done/power hour cleaning
  • practice baking/cooking
  • learning a new skill
  • playing sport

The options are endless. They say early in the morning the brain is a power station of creativity. Utilize these zero-distraction golden hours to sharpen your skills.

2| Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness might sound dull and difficult at the same time.

Well, to be honest, just like any other habit practicing mindfulness requires effort initially but gets easier after it becomes part of your daily life.

That said, practicing even a few minutes a day can significantly impact your life.

Mindfulness lowers stress and anxiety and helps you become calm and efficient. It improves your sleep quality and concentration and restores your emotional balance.

There are various ways you can practice mindfulness:

  • avoid multi-tasking/Focus on one thing at a time
  • Focusing on your breath
  • Meditation
  • Chanting mantras
  • Journaling
  • practicing gratitude
  • Taking a walk in a park
  • Relaxing bath
  • pursuing a hobby

The ability to be in the present moment will train you a little more day by day. And the calmness is sure to await you every single morning.

3| Motion:

Countless studies say active individuals have a lesser risk of health concerns.

Even a few minutes of exercise leads to significant results.

Plus, you have the liberty to choose the exercise form you enjoy. It can be swimming, yoga, pilates, aerobics, weight training, floor exercises, walking, or gymming.

You can also invite your friends or join group activities.

Morning is the best time to exercise as it helps remain undistracted, boosts metabolism, burns fats and helps you lose weight.

Final words:

Now you know it’s not that difficult to wake up early in the morning. It’s just that you need a mindset shift.

I hope you find these tips helpful. Don’t forget to leave your tips, tricks, and thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Great morning!

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