Quick Daily Cleaning Routine

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Establishing a daily cleaning routine means getting into the habit of cleaning.

It means cultivating a mindset of living in a clean home.

An effective daily cleaning reduces chaos, eliminates day-to-day stress, and provides a healthy environment.

It ensures order and peace in your home.

Forming a daily cleaning habit is super easy.

It’s just like developing a new habit.

The more you practice the better you get.

Repetition is the key.

Routines allow you to do that on autopilot.

With practice, you develop speed and get faster.

After a time, you won’t even notice that you accomplished so much in a flash.

Considering that you have a lot on your plate, we will try to keep the daily cleaning routine easily achievable.

Precisely, we will keep our daily cleaning routine short and quick.

That means not more than 3 tasks per day.

I want to clarify that we’re focusing on everyday cleaning only.

This is going to be your daily cleaning routine.

You can take it further and add your weekly/monthly tasks. (More on that soon in another post)

The idea is to get the most crucial tasks done for the day so your house runs smoothly.

A shorter routine means you feel motivated to keep at it.

Even the smallest tasks have a bigger impact. Following this routine, your home will feel like a better place. And everyone in your home can relax and operate effortlessly.


10-minute Kitchen Cleanup:

They say “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. I would say the same goes for other family members too.

But if you’re kitchen is a super mess it’s hard to cook even the basic meal.

A clean kitchen provides a healthy, hygienic, and safe environment for your family.

That said, kitchen clean-up always sounds like a dreadful task.

Honestly, it isn’t.

Yes, even the busiest and messier area like the kitchen doesn’t need a lot of labor unless you do a little bit to keep it in a condition where you find it good enough to work.

I wrote this article where I talk about how to keep your kitchen clean in 10 minutes or less! in details.

I’m sure even beginners starting their journey toward having a clean and organized home would find it helpful.

Simple things like

  • putting things away after use
  • loading/unloading the dishwasher
  • handwashing the dishes
  • quickly wiping down the stove, countertops, and appliances
  • sweep/spot mopping the floor
  • emptying trash

make such a difference.

One load of laundry:

To avoid mountains of laundry lying on a chair/couch/floor it’s better to tackle one load daily.

If laundry appears like a never-ending chore some sort of system becomes necessary.

My trusted way is doing one load (washing, drying, folding, putting away) each day. Some days maybe a couple more times.

But yes one load a day works for us (husband and I).

If you are a large family, tackling one load daily would help prevent chaos.

Since there are mixed views on this topic, if you hate laundry to be a part of your daily routine, you can find a system that works for you. And swap this chore for another non-negotiable cleaning task.

But if you haven’t tried it already. I highly recommend doing one load daily for some days to know the difference.

Read: How To Create A Laundry System That Works

10-minute Rooms set up:

Anyone can hardly relax in a cluttered space.

A messy home usually makes you overwhelmed. You encounter difficulties carrying out your day-to-day tasks.

You can struggle to do the simplest things like getting ready for the day, sending kids to school, or comforting your husband after a long day at work.

Most of us may not realize but dedicating a few minutes to set up rooms (main living areas) is such a simple but powerful way to (instantly) improve the condition of your home.

Tidying up a little bit can largely prevent sickness caused by dust, bacteria, and molds.

The little things like

  • making beds
  • putting kids’ toys back in their baskets
  • putting dirty laundry in the hamper/hanging clothes
  • Restoring shoes back
  • Straightening up the key areas
  • wiping down surfaces
  • swishing and swiping the bathroom
  • Vacuuming busy areas
  • Dumping mails and magazines in a basket
  • spot mopping

can help bring back order to your home. You’ll sense control over your environment. Your home will appear neat and tidy.

Read: 15-Minute TIDY UP ROUTINE: Keep Your Home Clean And Clutter-free

Final Words:

Now you know you can keep your home reasonably clean and tidy with little effort and spending a few moments (15-20 minutes) daily.

One thing for sure is that this short and quick daily cleaning routine will bring your home to a level where you have fewer occasions and tasks for deep cleaning.

I hope this simple and quick daily cleaning routine lowers your pressure and allows you to enjoy your home and life more.

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Cleaning!

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