Homemaker Morning Routine – My Morning Routine As A Housewife

Ah! The morning routine!

Something we often hear.

Before bringing order to my mornings I used to wonder how people are so big on routines?

How do they manage to do everything in such a timely manner? That means – wake up early, exercise, meditate, have a healthy, homecooked breakfast?!

Homemaker Morning Routine - My Morning Routine As A Homemaker

The way you spend your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day!

Therefore being vigilant is crucial.

Having a productive morning routine was something I longed for but never made it.

I enjoyed getting a set of necessary tasks done every morning to get my day off to a good start.

I wanted to create a good morning routine because I knew the practices I wanted to integrate into my routine were the cornerstones of success.

In homemaking, the chances of getting off the track are high due to a lack of accountability.

We’re our own boss.

We aren’t answerable to anyone.

We have ample time. And then we also have our phones and television. Voila, yet another leisurely day😉!

Kidding aside, that would leave you feeling terrible as you hit the sack. I have been through it.

After struggling to create a perfect daily routine, I figured that the classic daily routines don’t work for everyone.

We all have different priorities which keep changing along with the seasons of life.

The routines of the people I follow for motivation don’t work for me because my priorities vary.

Routines designed to fulfill individual requirements are most promising for us.

We hang on to habits/routines that produce positive results.

Today I am sharing my realistic morning routine relevant to my needs.

You might find it more distinctive than what we usually see. But this is what works for me.

I encourage you to fine-tune your morning routine for great success.

So, here we go.

  • Wake up at 6:30 a.m. Make bed. Open curtains. Take out the trash. Freshen up. Start a load of laundry.
  • Refill drinking water at 7:00 a.m.
  • Put clean dishes away by 7:10 a.m.
  • Do my quick 10-minute exercise routine; pranayam for 5 minutes; spend time with my plants/meditate/write a gratitude journal (depending on what I feel that day) for another 5 minutes. So that’s around 7:45 a.m.
  • Swish and swipe the bathroom before taking a shower. Get dressed by 8:05 a.m.
  • Spend time (30 minutes) with God.
  • Eat breakfast at 9:15 a.m. — So that’s 20-25 minutes to prepare breakfast (depending on what I am making). Then, we slow down to eat our breakfast. Breakfast is our main meal. And so I make a point to cook something quite nourishing (from scratch). No cereals. Nothing off-the-shelf. No shortcuts. Complete homemade breakfast. So that takes me time.
Homemaker Morning Routine - My Morning Routine As A Homemaker [Updated]
Some random clicks
  • In the meantime, I check my phone — emails, comments, or messages and reply to them. Chit-chat with my husband.
  • Blog work 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. — design and schedule pins, outline/write/edit the articles, etc
  • Clean up breakfast by 10:45 a.m.
  • Straighten the house, dust, wipe down surfaces, line-dry washed laundry, and sweep and mop the floor by 11:15 a.m.
  • Prepare and eat lunch by 12:30 p.m. Clean up post-lunch (wipe down stove top and wash dishes) by 12:40 p.m. I utilize my cooking time to clean as I go. I use that time to empty the scraps/trash bowl and quickly rinse mixing bowls, spatulas, spoons, and things I use for meal preparation; and wipe down the countertops. That way I have less work post-lunch.

That’s all for my morning routine.

As you see my mornings are productive (with laundry, cooking, dishes, pick up, floors, exercising, journaling, and blog work done) yet peaceful.

I give myself flexible working hours as I cannot live by the clock.

My primary concern is getting meals ready on time. The second important thing is fulfilling the cleaning and tidying chores for the day.

Completing these core tasks in the first half of the day I feel accomplished.

That’s not how my mornings looked before and during the pandemic.

If you have read this post earlier, you know I didn’t spend time with God and exercise in the morning.

However, I thoroughly overhauled my morning routine and incorporated all the activities I desired to accomplish at the beginning of the day.

I cannot tell how energized and better I feel now.

I hope you find some motivation to create a successful morning routine that works for you.

I hope you find inspiration to create a successful morning routine that works for you.

I would love to know your thoughts and don’t forget to share with me your morning routine. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Homemaking!

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