Quick Morning Cleaning Routine for Busy Moms

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The simplest way to keep your home clean consistently without even realizing it is by following a good house cleaning routine. When your morning, nighttime, and weekly cleaning routines are easier, you’ll have an easy time keeping at them. Here’s a quick morning cleaning routine that’ll help — stay-at-home moms, work-at-home moms, and working moms keep their homes clean and tidy almost all the time.

Daily morning cleaning routine (for stay-at-home moms)

  • Start one load of laundry
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Make beds
  • Tidy up main living areas (including bathroom)
  • Sweep/vacuum high-traffic areas

Morning cleaning routine before work (for working moms)

  • Start a load of laundry
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Make beds
  • 5-minutes tidy up (Put things back, straighten up pillows, fold blankets, put toys or things that don’t belong to that room in a basket)

You can either follow this routine on a daily basis or go for a Saturday morning cleaning routine. (More on this soon).

Morning cleaning routine (for work-at-home moms)

  • Start a load of laundry
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Make beds
  • Tidy up high-traffic areas
  • Sweep or spot mop

Here’s what MY MORNING CLEANING ROUTINE looks like:

  • Start one load of laundry
  • Put away clean dishes (I do not own a dishwasher. I prefer to wash dishes by hand. But I always let them dry off so I put them back in the morning)
  • Make the bed
  • Take out trash
  • Swish and swipe the bathroom before taking shower.
  • Tidy up and clean the floors (I sweep & mop all three rooms every single day. My home is really small — 1 bedroom apartment so it’s easier for me)
  • Clean up breakfast dishes
  • Wipe down counters

Read: Homemaker Morning Routine: My Morning Routine As A Housewife

Quick Morning Cleaning Routine for Busy Moms

How to make the morning cleaning routine easier for you?

1// Prep up the night before:

A productive morning is a result of a thorough nighttime routine followed religiously.

In order to make your morning cleaning routine easier make sure you prepare the night before.

Preparing ahead you won’t have much to do in the morning.

2// Use timer:

I have tried both using a timer and setting the same amount of time on the clock.

But I must say the timer technique does wonder. It eliminates distractions and helps you concentrate on the task at hand.

Truly, I cannot explain how fast it gets the cleaning job done.

3// Purge unused items a few times:

Keep the counters clutter-free for no sweat cleaning.

Purging unwanted items every now and then allows you to wipe down the surfaces faster and makes the place visually appealing.

4// Get help:

Make kids put their toys back in the basket. My dad is a super-organized person. He loves to do the tidying and dusting for my mom.

Sharing responsibilities and housework, irrespective of age group is always nice and helpful.

If nobody is willing to help, hold each person responsible for their own mess.

5// Have good nightly and weekly cleaning routines:

Aid your morning cleaning routine with good nighttime and weekly cleaning to keep your home clean consistently.

This will help keep your house clean on autopilot.

6// Make it interesting:

Put on some upbeat music, listen to a podcast, watch a cleaning motivation video, chat with your partner, or make it a family fun activity to make it interesting.

Final words:

This simple, quick morning cleaning routine will ensure your home is clean and tidy. The further part will be covered in our nighttime and weekly cleaning routine.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Cleaning!

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