The more processed food the bigger the price – is a simple logic to eating healthy on a budget. It’s a no-brainer that when you choose whole food items you’ll be eating healthy.
One takeaway tip from this article is to buy more raw real food like fruits, veggies, eggs, and grains. And, less ready-to-eat or pre-packaged meals to eat healthily and keep your grocery bill low.
Sounds complicated?
Well, it isn’t!

We all know, that we have to pay big money for comfort/luxurious goods and services which also include food. By buying convenience food, you aren’t paying for the quality of food but for the word “convenience” in the phrase.
Thus, if you keep that convenience/comfort part aside, you can do a whole lot within a few bucks. That too, with minimal work.
Working smarter, not harder is important here. By working smart, you can cut the cooking time in half and optimize your grocery budget. Importantly, you can feed your family fresh, nutritious meals.
Today, we are going to explore some of the ways you can feed your family healthy on a budget:
 1) Plan meals ahead:
Planning the menu ahead is the simplest way to save time and money, and largely, to keep you sane. I have this elaborate article on Meal Planning to make your job easier.
2) Cook at home:
Eating on a budget while eating out is still possible if you pick cheaper replacements. But to eat healthily, you’ve gotta cook at home. Here are some benefits and effortless ways to cook at home.
3) Stock a pantry right:
Consider stocking your pantry with whole food that works as a base for any dish. You need basic items to cook a meal: flour, rice, lentils, beans, potatoes, bananas, apples, eggs, oil/butter, milk, sugar, salt, and pepper. For more details, check out my list of 74 frugal foods to build your pantry on a budget.
Foodstuffs such as rice, beans, or potatoes make the meal more filling. Apple, bananas, and milk make a complete breakfast too. Omelets, and banana smoothies, for instance.
Thus, you’re eating healthier and better at a lower price.
4) Pack work lunches:
According to the article by bringing lunch to work can save a huge amount of money per year. Check out the article for some great tips.
5) Drink coffee at home:
Buying a good coffee maker is a one-time investment that can save big bucks at the end of each month. You will be saving well even after buying a high-quality coffee and creamer compared to cafe rates.
6) Make your own spice mixes at home:
Did you note how much the ground spices from the store cost? Almost the amount of 2 lbs of rice. Do make it at home and your dishes are going to taste – So. Much. Flavourful. It simply takes me a half-hour to toast and grind my own spices at home.

7) Make your own sauces and salsas:
Pre-prepared sauces are again something heavy on your grocery budget. I make them myself right before cooking.
Sauces made using fresh ingredients are nutritious and taste better. They’re free of preservatives, added flavors, and colors. Plus, they cost so much less.
8) Homemade curd:
Try to make curd at home, if you use curd or buttermilk often. The traditional method is great for achieving thick, rich, and creamy consistency along with saving a decent amount of money. Let me know if you want tips on how to make curd at home.

9) Go Meatless:
Vegetarian food is always better for you.
Find out some yummy vegetarian alternatives to your favorite food.
10) Make snacks at home:
Fruits, apple slices with peanut butter, roasted peanuts/chickpeas, boiled corn, fried corn, cheese sandwiches, boiled eggs, potato wedges, potatoes/sweet potato fries – the options are endless. Just think or google or search YouTube for creative ideas to maximize what you already have.
Final Words:
So, there you go! It is easier to eat healthy on a budget than we think. We need to know that some efforts on our part are necessary to feed our family – with healthy meals and to administer our hard-earned money.
Over to you. I would love to have your tips and tricks to feed the family on a budget. Let me know in the comments below. Thank you so much for reading.