3 Tips To Get Messy House Back In Order

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Overwhelmed by the messy house?

Certainly, cluttered/messy surrounding is bound to stress, anxiety, and poor concentration. It makes you feel jammed.

That said, we all go through such situations. Our house can get really messy at times. Be it a long vacation, some celebration, having guests over, health issues, or simply because you procrastinated for several days/months.

No matter what it is, these simple tricks work. They are simple yet effective.

If you keep following these steps at least once every few days your house won’t get that bad.


1| Start teeny-tiny:

The very first step is to start small. Really really small.

Little baby steps are the key. Especially when decluttering, cleaning, and organizing your home.

In the beginning, just designate a doable chunk of time — 10 or 15 minutes a day. Give yourself permission to perform average (good enough).

Remember the state of your house became like this over a while. So it will be wise if you take time to get it back in a sustainable manner.

Even in the case of decluttering, stick to the basics in the beginning. Example: discard — old clothes, expired products, broken items, etc Things which you don’t have to think twice.

2| Make it easy:

Finish in One swipe.

Example: If your dining table is covered in dust with all the stuff scattered. Just take a basket. Put all the stuff lying on the dining table into the basket. And give the table a quick wipe. If grease/spots are smeared on the table, spray some good cleaner, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it. Remember wipe just once and move on. Allow yourself to work loosely without precision. It’ll keep getting better every time you wipe it. But for now, let’s not get into scrubbing/scraping and focusing on that single table. Lets proceed to our next cleaning project.

If your ceiling fans/light fixtures, or other stuff is covered in dust, then too wipe it once. Don’t go over it again. Not even once during that particular session. You can clean it the next cleaning schedule.

Remember to clean/wipe/dust only once per session.

Scrubbing/wiping/dusting the same thing repeatedly is really discouraging especially when you think of cleaning in future.

Embrace good enough results.

Another thing is to try putting things back in their place in

3| Repeat again:

Do it over every few days.

If you clean in this manner, things will start looking okayish in the first go.

The second time it will look good.

And it’ll keep getting better and you won’t have to work yourself to the bones in one go.

That way cleaning won’t be daunting. In fact, next time you might feel motivated because:

  • You are just going to clean/declutter /organize for 10 or 15 minutes
  • cleaning has now become less laborious
  • Since you clean at regular intervals the workload is light.

In what order can you clean a messy house?

I usually begin in the living room. Then I set my bedroom and lastly, I go to my kitchen.


Those are my tried and tested tips and tricks to get my house back in order. Usually, I go through such situations only when I’m unwell.

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Homemaking!

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