10 Tips To Keep Your Home CLEAN And ORGANIZED

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Overwhelmed by a messy, cluttered home? The secret to keeping your home clean & organized all the time is doing a little bit of cleaning and tidying up more often.

Consistency is key.

Cleaning and organizing the house is not as scary as it seems.

What is dreadful is improperly performing the tasks. Since inaccurate methods can only make cleaning or tidying jobs — lengthy, laborious, difficult, and time-consuming.

For me, cleaning is fun when it is short and sweet. Meaning, that it takes less time and minimal effort.

I love dusting when everything gets clean in just one swipe; washing a few dishes; doing a small load of laundry; and mopping floors without special efforts to scrub dried-up spots and spills.

Because, then it’s easier to clean and takes little time.

How do you get to this point? By doing things regularly.

Today I’m sharing the top 10 habits that help me keep my home clean and organized (all the time).

These powerful habits have worked wonders for me. They have made cleaning and tidying the home a breeze.

I practice these tips and tricks daily so it never gets to the point when my home desperately needs cleaning or deep cleaning.


1| Declutter every now and then:

Whether you notice or not cluttered, unorganized spaces cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

Decluttering is a powerful habit that provides clarity.

Including the many health benefits decluttering is great for your mental health.

Decluttering from time to time essentially reduces chaos and frees up physical space.

It allows better organization and brings peace.

Decluttering increases productivity.

Decluttering may seem daunting in the beginning or after a prolonged time. But when you get started, set attainable goals, and keep at it every so often it is rewarding.

Purging unnecessary items once or twice a month for 15-20 minutes is a good place to start.

2| Do one load of laundry:

Doing at least one load of laundry daily is a wise thing to do to prevent mountains of dirty washing.

If not more, washing daily wear, underwear, activewear, socks, towels, and dish towels can make a huge difference. It is not advisable to keep sweaty, stinky, stained clothes for a longer time.

It takes 5-10 minutes to sort clothes, wash, dry, fold, and put away but it makes a considerable difference.

3| Make beds:

I love to straighten up my bed foremost every morning.

In India, we are taught this in childhood. So it’s a deeply ingrained habit.

Making bed first thing in the morning provides a sense of accomplishment. It sets you up in the right mindset.

It not only promotes cleanliness but also enhances mood and productivity.

4| Tidy up entryway:

The entryway is the first impression of your place and so it shouldn’t be neglected.

This super simple task takes as little as 2 minutes but can make your home look neat and clean.

The simple action of getting rid of unwanted stuff, wiping down surfaces, having a good storage system, and setting up some rules for people in your family can make all the difference.

5| 10-minute kitchen clean up:

Honestly, if you determine you can finish your daily kitchen clean-up in under 10 minutes.

Yes, you heard it right.

Putting things away once you finish cooking, wiping spills and spots, wiping down surfaces and appliances, loading/unloading the dishwasher, and shining your sink can be done in a bit.

If you set the timer every night and move around quickly, you can get your kitchen back in order in minutes.

6| Speed dust one area:

Dusting was a pain for me before I discovered how to speed dust.

With the right tools and methods, you can master speed dusting.

You just need appropriate cleaning tools and solutions (all-purpose cleaners).

If you want to speed dust you have to do it daily or on alternate days depending on the situation.

Check out my earlier article to learn the easiest way to speed dust your home.

7| Vacuum key areas:

Vacuuming is important in maintaining a clean and inviting place.

With tons of germs, skin cells, hair, food particles, and dirt accumulating vacuuming high-traffic areas often becomes crucial from a health point of view. Neglecting this important cleaning step can cause a foul odor.

The rooms you tend to spend more time in — living room, bedroom, kitchen, and dining area should be vacuumed regularly.

Again if you’re doing it frequently it won’t take you more than 5 minutes.

8| Tidy up the bathroom:

Bathroom cleaning is an annoying task for many of us.

Because of its moisture content, it is the complete spot for bacterial growth and is considered the dirtiest place.

Since deep cleaning isn’t possible daily tidying up a little bit helps to keep it fresh, clean, and germ-free.

The chances of having molds and mildew (harmful to health) are higher when there is a longer gap between deep cleaning.

Daily swishing and swiping your bathroom ensures a lower risk of infections and sickness.

9| Empty trash:

Garbage left for longer decomposes and causes harm. It is a breeding ground for bacteria.

A 1-2 minute task of emptying the trash regularly is essential to keeping a clean and healthy environment.

Doing this removes all the nasty odors in your home, prevents insects/pests, and keeps it smelling fresh.

10| Neaten one trouble zone:

Zone cleaning for a few minutes a day can be life-saving.

It is important to keep your home clean and organized all the time.

Many trouble areas in our home need special attention.

When we cannot set up good storage solutions, certain areas in our homes get out of control. And over time they become a trouble zone.

Devoting just 5-10 minutes a day can help transform the place.

Set the timer for 5-10 minutes. Tackle one small area at a time or divide bigger tasks into little parts so that it’s easier for you.

Final words:

With these simple steps, you can keep your home clean and organized all the time.

What I have learned through years of experience is that —  when you carry out the same tasks regularly, over and over again they become a breeze.

Because when you clean an already clean space you don’t need to clean it you just have to MAINTAIN it. Maintenance is always much easier than cleaning/deep cleaning.

Focus on rhythm (regularity).

So to keep your home clean and organized (all the time) you must focus on repetition rather than heavy labor.

Even if you’re a beginner, I suggest following these tips and tricks. Don’t go all out. Start small. Begin with these steps and get your home in order first then tackle big projects.

Be sure to share your tips and tricks in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Cleaning!

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