5 Effective Routines To THRIVE As A Homemaker

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No matter how boring following a routine feels, it really helps you be productive and serve your real potential. Today, let’s have a look at 5 effective routines to thrive as a homemaker.

The most efficient thing about building a good routine is it frees up mental space to get down to important business.

In the simplest terms, routine is nothing but a set of habits.

For instance, you wake up in the morning, exercise, read a book, take a shower, prepare breakfast, get your kids ready for school, and drop them at school. These are your daily habits. When you do them in a row they set up a routine.

Routines ensure order and control in our lives. Without routines, we would be stressed, overwhelmed, and fail to accomplish our homemaking goals.

Without a routine, we, homemakers would wake up each morning and have no clue what to do.

Routines remove decision-making fatigue from our lives so we don’t need to decide what work needs to be done each day.

It knocks off guesswork and saves precious time. In fact, it frees up our time once we finish doing our routine tasks.

The key is thoughtfully designed effective routines that make the most sense.

Having a routine eliminates the need to plan each day.

Routines help you become an expert homemaker.

The more often you do something the better you get at it.

For example, the more cooking you do the more you master the art. Practice makes a man perfect.

The routines we’re going to talk about today are interdependent on one another.

It is always better to instill good habits and break the bad ones that won’t serve you.

Routine implies carrying out the same duties in the same sequence.

With that said let’s have to look at some important routines that help you become a productive homemaker and make the most of your day.


Morning routine:

Studies have shown multiple benefits of following an effective morning routine.

The beauty of routines is they allow you to prioritize important tasks. And feel more organized and controlled, which in turn reduces stress.

As homemakers, you have overwhelming tasks to pull through each day.

When you begin your day successfully, all the rest goes right. That’s why having a productive morning routine is essential.

A good morning routine maintains order and quickly gets things done.

Each homemaker’s morning routine is unique and depends entirely on how big/small your family is, the number of children, their ages, your husband’s profession, and whether you work from home.

All this also determines the number of tasks involved and the duration of your morning routine.

Regardless of the above factors, certain activities like laundry, preparing breakfast, general clean up, and dressing up never change for all homemakers.

A morning routine seems boring because we think we need to wake up early.

Which is not true.

You don’t need to wake up early or at any specific time. Your wake time is tied to your life phase.

But I highly recommend getting up at least a few minutes before your family.

This will allow you a few extra minutes to pack lunches, spend some quiet time, meditate, exercise, spend time with God, or prepare ahead of the day.

You can also make your mornings more productive by including chores that help you stay on top of things.

Things like making beds, unloading the dishwasher, starting laundry, post-breakfast kitchen clean up, or wiping down the bathroom.

The key is to keep the routine short. And be at high speed.

Use your morning routine time to get up and move your body if you have no time to exercise. Just pick up speed as you perform your daily household chores.

Nightly routine:

A wind-up routine is a must after a long day to reset, relax, and revive.

Leaving the house messy, not preparing for the next day, and going to bed without spending a few moments relaxing is one sure way to wake up feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.

A little bit of cleaning, preparation, and self-care can help eliminate all the stress and set you up for a more productive morning.

As good as your skin (needs good cleansing to remove all the grime and grease accumulated throughout the day), it is necessary to bring your house back to its former (clean and tidy) state every night for it to be restful.

Nighttime habits like loading and running the dishwasher, wiping down the kitchen countertop and sink, a quick pickup, putting out clothes, and packing kids’ school bags will ensure happy and relaxing mornings.

The articles listed below will help you set up a good nighttime routine. Make sure you check them out.


Quick NightTime Cleaning Routine – FOR RELAXING MORNINGS

4 Essentials of a GOOD EVENING ROUTINE for Homemakers

Weekly cleaning routine:

Having a good weekly cleaning routine means there’s no room for negligence.

Since your daily cleaning is unthinkingly taken care of in your morning and evening routine, there’s much less left for the weekends.

That makes it easier to keep on top of cleaning and enjoy weekends with your family.

A weekly cleaning routine can be followed in two ways. One, by allowing no more than 15 minutes each day or spending 1-2 hours on the weekend.

I follow the everyday 15-minute routine to enjoy relaxing weekends.

You’ll be amazed to know how little time it takes to clean things when you do it regularly.

As you keep up with this routine, your weekly plus daily cleaning will be a breeze.

You’ll love how pleasant your house looks and be ready to welcome unexpected visits.

Meal planning routine:

Besides being cheaper and healthier, preparing and eating your meals at home has plenty of benefits.

Planning and preparing simple meals at home is easier and takes less time than getting to a restaurant or ordering food.

It saves sanity by eliminating the last-minute stress of what to cook for dinner and recklessly hunting the pantry.

Meal planning saves money by using up everything you have bought for the week before it goes bad.

No matter how difficult and tedious meal planning sounds in the beginning, the efforts are totally worth it.

Honestly, it’ll take a little time maybe a couple times at the very start. But after that, you’ll love how it makes your life easier.

Stick to the main dish and side dish. Plan meals in such a way that only two dishes complete the meal.

Here’s a detailed guide to making meal planning easy — How To Meal Plan – in just 3 steps.

Decluttering routine:

Periodic decluttering is necessary for better functioning of your home.

It makes your home organized instantly.

I have said this several times before and I’ll say it again clutter can be paralyzing. It can make you weary.

The more stuff you own, the more you deal with, and the more decisions you need to make.

Cluttered surroundings create a feeling of anxiety and distress.

Clutter needs to be cleaned and arranged — additional work to your already busy life.

When you declutter every so often you reduce distractions. You’ll be able to focus on your home and family more.

You’ll be more productive because there’s 50-75% less work to clean and decorate.

You can sell unwanted stuff and buy useful items for your home or kitchen. Something like a good vacuum cleaner or food processor that makes your household work easy.

Another benefit of decluttering is you can utilize the extra time to prepare ahead, learn new skills, pursue hobbies, or side hustle.

Final words:

Routines give your daily chores a sensible sequence and take the guesswork out. So you don’t keep wondering what to do next every single day. These 5 effective routines are sure to help you become a more organized homemaker.

Am I missing anything? Do you follow a helpful routine that we should add to our list? Be sure to share your tips, tricks, and thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading. Happy Homemaking!

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